Customer Comments, Letters and Cards!!!!
Dear Romualdo, the stained glass panel you installed for us in between Kitchen and our great new room.... is absolutely superb. You and Maxi did a wonderful job with the colors of the South West. The cactuses and especially the stone slice you used for the sun ...just magnificent. Thank you again for that lovely piece ....M. and B. Beachwood NJ
To Galleria Bellardi: Dear Romualdo and Maxi, "The Manatee and Pelican" Panel that we commissioned from you was just super. What workmanship. My daughter and Son in Law will hang it at their new House in Florida.
Oh BTW..... thank you ever so much for repairing the stained Glass Jewelrybox, that my son Edward made for me so many years ago. I appreciated the fact you took the time to rejuvinate the whole piece too. We can only recommend the workmanship and elegance and your beautiful choice of colors. Thank you again
M.W. Manahawkin, NJ
You guys are the greatest! The two Quilts I ordered for my son's were so appreciated. What a wonderful idea to incorporate the fabrics you suggested from all of the family. Memories are woven into time..... Thank you again...Pictures with the Boys are forthcoming.....St. and M. Jackson, NJ
I've shopped around, but I've never had the kind of personalized support I got from your store. Your web site was easy to navigate, the checkout process was a breeze, and when I called with questions, I received courteous and accurate answers to my questions. Thanks!.....ML...Florida
Dear Maxi, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the Baby Quilt you sent in such a timely fashion to my Daughter in California, they really loved it. Thank you for your suggestions about Color and size. I am sure it will be treasured for years to come. I will gladly recommend your services...... L. J., Kingman Arizona
Dear Romualdo and Maxi, we are now the proud owners of about the 20th. piece from your Gallery. Amongst our Quilts, Cornice Covers to match and our stained Glass Collection...we display proudly the "American Flag Piece" you and Maxi designed for us. The piece of glass from the World Trade Center, deserved to have the best possible setting and you have achieved that. Thank you so much for our unique Collection. Keep up the good work. T & K Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island NJ